Maternity Simulation Game

The game is designed to facilitate communication, collaborative team-working, evidence-based clinical decision-making, leadership development and resource allocation.

It can be used with all qualified staff and students; the organiser can set the degree of complexity to suit the knowledge levels and educational needs of each group.

Each 90-minute session can accommodate between 12 and 16 people. The game includes a wide range of scenarios, events and patient profiles. Making it a very flexible and adaptive training resource for all maternity staff, managers and students. It can be used with appropriate distancing, PPE and remote participation.

The training happens in the workplace, so disruption is minimised. No external support is required to facilitate the game so there are no hidden costs. Any senior member of staff can act as Lead Facilitator.

The game will help you assess situational awareness, ("helicopter view"), by gathering information, understanding information and the ability to project ahead and anticipate.

What does the simulation do?

It is intense, complex, enjoyable and effective. The game includes a wide range of scenarios, events and mother profiles. Making it a very flexible and adaptive training resource for all staff, managers and students.

Any experienced member of staff can act as the facilitator to manage the flow and complexity of the game. Here are the key issues that the Maternity Simulation Game addresses:

  • Multi-professional education around routine situations.
  • Multi-professional education and management of high acuity cases and obstetric emergencies.
  • Safe staffing considerations, ensuring that the right staff, with the right skills, are deployed to the right place, at the right time.
  • Clinical decision-making.
  • Workflow and acuity considerations.
  • Implementation of new guidelines.
  • Safety awareness.
  • MDT communication, particularly during care planning, referral, escalation, shift changes and emergencies.
  • Gain insight into each other’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Opportunities to break down professional boundaries, build trust, respect and collaboration.
  • Learning from reflection.

Where did it come from?

The Maternity Simulation Game was invented by Dr. Angela Hancock, (Consultant Midwife at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust), and Liz Meakin, (Midwifery Lecturer at Keele University).

The game was designed and manufactured by Focus Games Ltd, a leading developer of game-based learning resources for health and social care.

Dr. Angela Hancock and Liz Meakin

How is the simulation being used?

The game recreates the delivery suite environment and simulates the everyday workings of a busy maternity unit with its associated challenges and considerations. The game is designed to facilitate communication, collaborative team-working, evidence-based clinical decision-making and leadership skill development.

It is being used to support development of professional capabilities such as team and departmental leadership, decision-making and resource allocation.

It can be used with qualified staff and students; the organiser can set the degree of complexity of each session to suit the knowledge levels and educational needs of each group.

What is in the box?

Everything needed to run group sessions with up to 16 people for 90 minutes. No external support is needed; any senior member of staff can act as Lead Facilitator.

  • 1 Game board.
  • 14 Starter Cards: Dictate game set-up at beginning of each round.
  • 93 Mother Cards divided in 3 categories:
    • 53 Standard Mother cards
    • 13 Elective Mother cards
    • 27 Non-Labour Mother cards
  • 9 Staff Cards: Represent members of the Multi-Disciplinary Team.
    • 3 Doctor cards
    • 4 Midwife cards
    • 2 MSW cards
  • 65 Action Cards: Help players resolve ‘sticky’ situations.
  • 48 Emergency Cards: Trigger discussion about management of a specific emergency.
  • 1 Stop-Think-Act Card: Memory aid for players during game.
  • 1 Action Key Card: Memory aid for players.
  • 1 Instruction booklet.

The cost: for unlimited group simulation training

Price for 1 game £450 (plus VAT, P&P)

The Maternity Simulation Game is a sophisticated group training tool designed to help improve performance and safety. The game includes a wide range of scenarios, events and patient profiles. This makes the Maternity Simulation Game a very flexible and adaptive training resource for all staff, students and managers.

You can use the simulation as often as you want. Every time you play the cost is diluted.

If the game is used 10 times a year with 160 people, the cost would be less than £3 per person for 90 minutes of high-value simulation training.

The training happens in the workplace, so disruption is minimised. No external support is required, so there are no hidden costs. How does this compare to other forms of training?

Visit our shop to buy THE MATERNITY SIMULATION GAME and to see our other games.

£450.00 exc. VAT and P&P

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